Wishful Thinking: As Good as it Gets

Written by Roelof Reineman | 2019-10-18

Wishful thinking is a nice pastime, but will not bring you anything material. At best it paints a good vision to aim for. At worst it blocks you from making any progress.

Sometimes the only option is to accept things are as good as it gets. For the time being. When you lack data, you can not wish more data into existence. When you have too many assumptions to know for sure what is true, test them.

Accepting things are good enough, allows you to proceed with an action. An action resulting in actual feedback and getting you more information on what works, what does not.

Perfect is the enemy of Good Enough. Perfect is the enemy of In-Action. When looking for progress, you will sometimes stumble. The trick is to learn from your stumbles, so you can still count those learnings as progress.

Need help exploring what is good enough and get you going again on your project? Let me help you make your innovation happen.