
EV Smart Charging

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Together with RVO, TKI Urban Energy and NKL this EV Smart Charging project was executed. A complex multi-stakeholder environment with the aim of making transparent what each stakeholders interests in EV Smart Charging were.

Enervalis and NKL benefitted from:

  • Project Management experience
  • Dedicated EV knowledge
  • Multi-discipline mindset
  • Multi-stakeholder management


In this project from RVO and TKI Urban Energy under their ‘Urban Energy’ innovation/research portfolio, NKL together with Enervalis took on the challenge of EV Smart Charging. Here I managed the project for all these project partners and coordinated with the relevant stakeholders.

In any given EV Smart Charging scenario, multiple stakeholders are involved. Depending on how complex the chosen EV Smart Charging use case is, you can have up to around ten stakeholders involved with a single charging session! Each stakeholder comes with their own interests. Sometimes these interests are aligned, but more often they are not. This project delivered insight into the EV Smart Charging ecosystem, what different use cases there are, who the various stakeholders are and how their interests align. Or how their interests not align.

The issue itself is known by many of the stakeholders in the industry. So far there has been little to no initiative to bring clarity in this discussion. Clarity enables the steps to solve and align different interests around EV Smart Charging.

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For this project we delivered a report that was based on desk study and the vast experience from Enervalis. Here I coordinated the project with Enervalis, NKL and TKI Urban Energy / RVO. The desk study was combined with rounds of interviews with a selection of the stakeholders and feedback sessions. I coordinated these interviews and sessions on behalf of Enervalis.

The report provides a good understanding of where EV Smart Charging currently is at and what needs to be tackled for the next big leap. Some of the insights even surprised experienced stakeholders; highlighting the value of the work we did.


As most of the expertise came from Enervalis, my main job here was to coordinate and manage this project and keep all project stakeholders aligned. A challenge with up to four different project partners on board. For the interviews we selected five different stakeholders offering their unique perspective.

Next to that, I have acted as a sparring partner to refine the report. The topic of EV Smart Charging is very complex given the number of stakeholders involved and the technical knowledge required to grasp the concept. Given my background and experience with EV, I have mastered the required knowledge for this project in a quick and efficient manner.

Other duties included arranging and conducting stakeholder interviews, project- and progress meetings and coordinating with the infographic designer.

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What Enervalis liked:

“Roelof managed to quickly get up to speed in this highly complex topic of EV Smart Charging and feel right at home discussing in-depth questions. Roelof handled the complicated and wide field of stakeholders excellent, while also helping to structure our ideas and ensuring a comprehensible report was written.”

Wim Boonen
CEO, Enervalis

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The results in the report look promising, some of the stakeholders were positively surprised by some of the findings. Despite their years of experience in the EV domain, some of the findings were new to them. It took great effort to make the various use cases for EV Smart Charging understandable. It is a complex matter, requiring knowledge of the technical issues, but also a thorough understanding of the business ecosystem that EV Smart Charging is operating in.

The final report describes the topic of EV Smart Charging in more detail than comparable reports and studies, without going too deep and risk loosing the reader. The final report will be made public in a report and shared through the appropriate channels via TKI/RVO at a later date.


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