Breaking Doubt and Regaining Momentum

2020-01-31 | innovation Breaking Doubt and Regaining Momentum

You suddenly feel stuck with your innovation project. You are not sure how to break free and regain forward momentum again. What to do?

Doubting can feel unproductive, but it is also a positive signal. It indicates there are indeed uncertainties ahead, which sounds logical with innovations. It also shows you feel strongly about the project at hand. It matters to you. You are working on something close to your heart. And when things are not going as you would hope for, doubt can strike.

Seeking Forward Momentum

So how do you go about and regain that forward momentum? What options do you have?

  • Pursue the grind and push on.

  • Take a break and self reflect.

  • Seek external help.

The Grind

It is tempting to keep pushing for the same approach as always. But taking the same approach to solving a problem, while you feel stuck, is hardly logical. Keep this in mind, if you feel stuck too long, step back and explore other options. Grinding can be ok, but not while you are stuck.

The Break

This approach is about taking a break from the problem. Do something completely different. Take a walk. Sleep a night over it. Anything to get some fresh inspiration going. Sometimes the best approach is to take a break and gain a new perspective. Despite that, innovation has a ‘Go fast and break stuff’ mentality; sometimes, patience is a virtue.

Get Help

The third option is to get help. Ask around in your network, who might have an expert opinion on your challenge? Or who might have insights from a different industry that might prove applicable?

From my experience, there are two general outcomes here:

  • You find a new approach and implementation is possible. You were stuck on this problem and needed some external help to move forward again.

  • The advice confirms that your current strategy is correct. It establishes you were on the right track and need to bear some patience is far from a silver bullet.


Results Matter

When you are stuck, results and outcomes matter more than the path to get you going again. Having someone to confirm you are right on the right track seems a waste of time. Consider the time wasted if you did not check and would be on the wrong path instead. Which is more likely to yield success?

Feeling stuck and want to regain your forward momentum for your project again?

Contact Me



Written By: Roelof Reineman