Innovation’s First Steps to End Game

2019-08-28 | innovation Innovation’s First Steps to End Game

Where are you heading, what does your End Game look like? And what would your first step be to get there?

Innovators have to work on both the long and the short term. Long term thinking requires them to work with a vision, an End Game to work towards. Short-term requires them to define the first Next Action to move towards that End Game. One cannot exist for long without the other.

End Game

As a certified ‘Futurist’ by my Gallup Strength Finder test, I am strongly motivated to look forward at what can become possible. The future is still in flux and can be shaped to our image. A problem occurs when you forget that others are more into the present and need to be brought along. A proper, patient introduction to this future is required to get them on board. The less abstract and fuzzy you can tell them what this End Game is, the better.

“The future is still in flux and can be shaped to our image.”


Next Action

An End Game vision can be just that, a vision. But to get there, a Next Action is required. In this case, this action is worth more than the direction. I see too many cases where a great vision or utopian End Game is described. But they remain clueless as to what is the first next step to take to get there or validate an assumption that is made.

“In this case, this action is worth more than the direction.”

A vision gives direction, but action gets you something. Either you move in the right direction, or you learn from it to alter your course. If you need help balancing your End Game and Next Action, please get in touch.




Written By: Roelof Reineman